68% of the guests have recommended OYO 700 Pj Inn Hotel on our platform. Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the Goibibo platform to ensure that this Hotel is best suited for them. For more detailed information about this Hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo. There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.
Room Type
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Check-in Time: 2 PMCheck-out Time: 12 PM
What are the check-in and check-out timings at OYO 700 Pj Inn Hotel?
How many types of rooms are available at Hotel OYO 700 Pj Inn Hotel?
What are the popular hotels nearby OYO 700 Pj Inn Hotel in Balibago,Mabalacat?
Distance From City Centre | 7.7 km |
Nearby Area | Balibago |
Address | 1, 119 Narciso Street, Malabanias, Pampanga |
Check-out | 12 PM |
Check-in | 2 PM |